Other Support Groups in the Greater Wellington region
Wairarapa -
Sands Wairarapa is not active at the moment. You can make contact with Hōkai Tahi, a community service providing support to women and their whānau facing an unexpected pregnancy or baby loss, in any circumstance or at any gestation.
Website: https://hokaitahi.nz/
Phone: 0800 006277
Twin Loss -
See https://twinlossnz.wordpress.com/
Heart Song - Wellington Bereaved Parents' Support Group
A support group for bereaved parents in the Wellington region whose child/children died at any age. Your child/children may have died recently, a long time ago or any time in between. It doesn't matter. everyone is welcome.
Where: Skylight, Level 3 5-7 Vivian Street Te Aro Wellington
When: Second Wednesday of every month; 7:15pm for coffee, 7:30-9:00pm.
Cost: free
Little Shadow (formerly PND Wellington)
Little Shadow offers counselling, support and information for those experiencing perinatal distress.
SIDS New Zealand
0800 164 455
0800 933 922
Lifeline – 24 hrs support
0800 543 354
Parent Help - 24 hrs support
04 499 9994
Relationship Services
0800 735 283
Crisis Team Wellington Hospital CATT
04 494 9169
Crisis Team Hutt Hospital CATT
04 566 6999
Healthline – 24 hrs
0800 611 116
Warmline Peer Support for Mental Health
0800 200 207